Freedom Inc.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Freedom, Inc. and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries and newly acquired companies (hereinafter referred to as “Freedom”) is a consulting firm that provides a wide range of services such as corporate strategy formulation, IT construction, and BPO to various companies. We recognize the importance of protecting personal information and promise to make every effort to protect the privacy of our customers and employees.

  1. To ensure that personal information is securely protected, Freedom has established a Privacy Policy, disseminating it to our executives and employees, and striving for its thorough implementation.
  2. In order to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information, Freedom takes appropriate preventive and corrective measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage.
  3. Freedom acquires personal information through lawful and fair means, refrains from obtaining it through illegitimate methods, publicly discloses the purpose of its use on our website in advance, and notifies the individuals concerned as necessary.
  4. Freedom confirms that information subjects (individuals to whom personal information pertains) have the rights to request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., of their personal information, and we respond to such requests from information subjects upon verification.
  5. Freedom uses personal information only within the scope of the intended purpose and ensures that only individuals authorized according to their specific duties use personal information as necessary for business operations.
  6. When Freedom outsources business tasks based on the personal information it holds, we enter into the necessary contracts and ensure management and supervision equivalent to those of our employees.
  7. Freedom has established a contact point to reasonably address confirmation, correction, and complaints regarding provided personal information.

May 2021
Freedom, Inc.

Specific Handling of Personal Information

Freedom makes efforts to appropriately protect the personal information of customers who use our services under the following policies:

1. Collection and Purpose of Personal Information

Freedom collects personal information required for providing consulting services, IT solutions, support services, system-related services, training for human resource development, and related business operations. When doing so, we clarify the purpose of collection, comply with laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information, and collect only the necessary information through lawful means.

Additionally, on our website, we collect personal information from customers who have given their consent through personal information input forms for seminar applications and inquiries.

The collected personal information is strictly managed, and in principle, its use is limited to the scope of the purposes stated below.

<Personal Information of Customers>

  1. Business-related communication
  2. Providing information about products, services, etc., handled by Freedom
  3. Notifying about events (various seminars, training, etc.) held (organized, sponsored, or co-sponsored) by Freedom
  4. Requesting cooperation as a monitor/respondent in Freedom’s research activities
  5. Notifying about new/highlighted content on our website
  6. Sending Freedom’s newsletters
  7. Providing information about other services offered by Freedom
  8. Communication, negotiations, meetings, and fulfillment of contracts with customers
  9. Responding to inquiries from customers
  10. Other uses within the scope of purposes for which consent has been obtained previously

<Personal Information of Recruitment Applicants>

  1. Recruitment selection procedures
  2. Communication with applicants
  3. Creating statistical data for future recruitment activities
  4. Determining the suitability of candidates for recruitment
  5. Any other purposes necessary for recruitment tasks

<Personal Information of Business Partners>

  1. Communication, negotiations, meetings, and fulfillment of contracts with business partners
  2. Responding to inquiries and requests from business partners

<Personal Information Related to Business Tasks Entrusted by Business Partners>

Execution of tasks entrusted by business partners

<Personal Information of Employees>

All purposes necessary for employment-related tasks


Purposes for use that have been notified to the individual concerned in advance and for which consent has been obtained

2. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except in cases falling under the following items, Freedom will not provide acquired personal information to third parties.

  • When the prior consent of the individual concerned has been obtained
  • When required by law
  • When necessary to protect human life, body, or property, and the consent of the individual concerned cannot be obtained
  • When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary for achieving the intended purpose of use
  • When providing personal information due to the succession of business for reasons such as mergers
  • When there is a special need for public health improvement or the promotion of sound development of children, and the consent of the individual concerned cannot be obtained
  • When necessary to cooperate with a national institution, local government, or a person entrusted by them for the performance of duties as stipulated by law, and obtaining the consent of the individual concerned is likely to obstruct the execution of such duties

3. Protection and Management of Personal Information

Freedom strives to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date within the scope necessary to achieve the intended purpose of use. However, while we manage personal information collected from customers with the utmost care, due to the nature of services conducted over the Internet, we cannot guarantee complete security.

To provide better services to customers, there may be cases where we outsource the handling of personal information to external parties. In such cases, we provide instructions and supervision to the outsourcing parties to ensure sufficient attention is given to the management of personal information.

Freedom takes preventive measures against unauthorized access, loss, leakage, etc., of personal information, and in the event of an incident, we promptly implement corrective measures.

4. Use of Personal Information

Freedom or our outsourcing partners may deliver information that is deemed beneficial to customers through methods such as email, fax, or postal mail.

If customers do not wish to receive such information, they can contact Freedom, and we will unsubscribe them. Additionally, for the improvement of our services, when using information as reference materials within Freedom or providing statistical information to third parties, we ensure the anonymity of the information and use it in accordance with the following handling methods.

  • When creating anonymized information, Freedom takes the necessary measures to ensure that it is impossible to identify specific individuals and restore the personal information used in its creation. When using anonymized information internally, Freedom does not conduct matching with other information for the purpose of identifying (or re-identifying) the individuals associated with the original personal information.
  • When Freedom creates anonymized information, we publicly disclose, in accordance with the law, the items related to individuals included in the anonymized information.
  • When Freedom provides anonymized information created by us to third parties, we publicly disclose, in accordance with the law, the items of information related to individuals included in the anonymized information provided to third parties and the method of provision. Additionally, we explicitly inform the third party that the information provided is anonymized information.

5. Protection of Personal Information on Freedom’s Website

We record access logs of customers who access our website. The access logs include the customer’s domain name, IP address, and usage date and time, but do not contain personally identifiable information.

Access logs are utilized for the maintenance and management of the site, as well as statistical analysis of usage patterns, and are not used for any other purposes.

[Use of IP Address and Cookies]
To analyze trends in accessing our website and resolve issues that occur on our website, we may record the IP address and domain used for access.

The use of cookie technology aims to improve convenience when customers revisit our homepage and to achieve a more user-friendly website by understanding customer access trends. Cookies do not contain personally identifiable information, and they do not have any adverse effects on the customer’s computer.

Customers can configure their internet browser to refuse the use of cookies or to display a notice each time cookies are detected. However, in such cases, some of our services may not be comfortably available for use.

Furthermore, Freedom may use digital marketing and access analysis tools to achieve these purposes, and the information mentioned above may be provided to the providers of these tools. The tools used by Freedom include the following:

Google Analytics

Tool provider: Google Inc.
Google Analytics Terms of Use
Google Privacy Policy

6. Disclaimer

  1. We do not have any involvement with the content posted on websites other than our own that are linked from our website. Additionally, please note that we cannot take responsibility for the handling and security of personal information on such websites.
  2. While we strive for accuracy in the information provided on our website, we cannot be held responsible for any losses directly or indirectly incurred in the event of inaccuracies in published content. Furthermore, the content may be subject to change or removal without prior notice. Your understanding is appreciated.

7. Changes to these Policies

We will periodically review and revise the content of this page as needed.

Any revisions will be promptly published on this page.

In the event that we make changes to the content of this page, we will notify the effective date and details of the revised content through our website and other appropriate means.

8. Disclosure, Modification, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

If you wish to request disclosure, modification, correction, deletion, or have any concerns or questions regarding your personal information, please contact us.

Upon confirming your identity, we will promptly address your request within a reasonable range.

Freedom, Inc.

[Established May 27, 2021]

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